Fee Structure

    Fee structure for every academic year will be varied . The fee for the year 2022-2023 will be as follows;

  1. For 1 year  Certificate course is IRS 7000, and a graduation fee is IRS 1000 and exam fee is IRS 100 per subjects.
  2. One year Diploma course for those who completed certificate course from Peniel Counselling Centre or from any recognized counselling institute will be IRS 9000, and a graduation fee IRS 1000 and exam fee IRS 100 per subjects.
  3. Two year BCC for the Diploma Graduate of Peniel Counselling Centre is IRS 19000 and for the Freshers IRS 21000.
  4. A monthly fee of IRS 150 for certificate, diploma and bachelor.  The duration of B.Th course is 3 years  on completing 36 course work successfully.
  5. ATA B.Th. students are supposed to pay registration fee and course fees as per the ATA rules and regulations.

Every academic year there will be an increment of IRS 500 to the existing fee for both Certificate and Diploma counselling courses. Online and hard Applications are accepted from early January to late July. Application forms are available in the office and in website as well

Requirements and Fee Remittance

  1. A recent colour passport size photograph
  2. A recommendation letter from your Senior Pastor (Use a seperate paper or church letter head)
  3. Copy of latest academic certificate. Submit original at the time of admission
  4. First installment of course fee
    • (a) D.D drawn in favour of PENIEL COUNSELLING CENTRE
    • (b) Money Order
    • (c) Payment at the office
    • (d) Transfer online : Peniel Counselling Centre, State Bank of India, Kottayam
      A/c. No. 67332199238 IFSC: SBIN0001891 Branch Code : 70845